Friday, 13 May 2016

IA – costum, traditie si identitate culturala

IA,  costum, traditie, si, identitate, culturala,
Sanzienele imbraca planeta in IE 

"Asta este adevaratul brand romanesc, templul la purtator - costumul popular traditional, in care romanul stiut sa-si etaleze de-a lungul vremii valorile, in momentele-cheie ale existentei sale.

Atunci avea si textele explicative, textele de folclor literar, care rezonau cu desenele, cu hieroglifele de pe costume. Caci pe costum este scris acelasi lucru - iata o viziune teologica deja! - anume ca omul poate accepta lumea nevazuta pornind de la simbolurile din lumea vazuta si astfel sa-si taie un drum inspre Dumnezeu” spunea prof. Ioan Sorin Apan, etnograf si etnolog pasionat, colectionar de arta traditionala.
In 2013, a luat fiinta comunitatea „La blouse roumaine – IA” care a creat si initiat Ziua Universala a IEI, pe 24 iunie, alaturand simbolul cel mai important al portului popular romanesc unei zile deosebite din calendarul ortodox - sarbatoarea crestina a Nasterii Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul, dar si din calendarul popular – sarbatoarea solara a Sanzienelor sau Dragaica. Din anul 2013, aceasta zi este celebrata pe 6 continente, in peste 55 de tari si mai mult de 150 de localitati din intreaga lume, reprezentantele comunitatii online si Asociatiei IA afirmand cu mandrie ca “pe 24 iunie, Sanzienele imbraca planeta in IE” si organizand anual un eveniment menit sa promoveze portul IEI la nivel national si mondial. De asemenea, comunitatea online si Asociatia IA pledeaza pentru ca Ziua IEI sa fie recunoscuta ca sarbatoare nationala in Romania, deoarece, in prezent, nu exista o lege in acest sens. La baza acestui demers, se afla mai multe argumente solide. Unul dintre acestea este forta extraordinara a unei comunitati online - „La blouse roumaine – IA” cu o prezenta deosebit de activa pe Facebook, mediul virtual constituind principalul vehicul folosit pentru a crea contextul adecvat promovarii IEI ca brand de tara al Romaniei. Aceasta comunitate virtuala a crescut spectaculos imediat, in momentul de fata creandu-se un adevarat curent international care sustine IA ca cea mai buna “modalitate de exprimare a identitatii unui popor”.

Un alt argument care a determinat coagularea unei puternice initiative pentru sustinerea si promovarea IEI, ca element esential de identitate nationala, este faptul ca in Romania lipsesc “mecanismele prin care sa se realizeze o protectie eficienta a elementelor culturale de design identitar”. “Si IA trebuie sa aiba Legea EI, care sa ii ofere protectia pe care o merita cu priososinta si de care are atata nevoie” sustine Asociatia „La blouse roumaine – IA”, in demersul sau de realizare a protectiei juridice a IEI si a motivelor traditionale romanesti, in cadrul evenimentului organizat cu ocazia Zilei Mondiale a Proprietatii Intelectuale (26 aprilie 2016).

Asociatia “La blouse roumaine – IA” este o entitate non-profit, cu personalitate juridica din 2015 ,constituita de un grup de membri ai comunitatii “La blouse roumaine”, comunitate care a creat si initiat Ziua Universala a IEI, pe 24 iunie 2013, declansand una din cele mai importante miscari culturale din ultimii 25 de ani, dedicate iei si culturii identitare din Romania.

Cum ne explicam succesul unei astfel de initiative? Simplu! Atunci cand lucrurile trebuie sa se intample, pentru ca asa este firesc sa fie, acestea se intampla! Avem nevoie de identitate nationala, avem nevoie acuta sa ne afirmam in lume prin ceea ce suntem cu adevarat, prin traditiile noastre milenare, care ne-au mentinut uniti, respirand si traind romaneste, oriunde ne-am afla in lume. Pentru ca noi, romanii, suntem pretutindeni si da, ducem cu noi tot ceea ce ne este drag si caracteristic. Iar unul dintre aceste elemente profund identitare este IA. Comunitatea “La blouse roumaine – IA” este vie, activa si in plina dezvoltare, ducand oriunde in lume inima noastra romanesca printr-o bluza…IA! Astfel, se organizeaza sezatori online, in toata lumea, iar artizanele si artizanii din Romania sunt incurajati acum, din nou, sa-si puna sufletul pe panza. Acolo unde se exprima in cea mai pura forma artistica spiritul ROMANESC. Pentru ca IA este mai mult decat un costum. IA este elementul central al portului nostru national! Asa ca, in 24 iunie, orasele si satele din Romania si din lume se vor imbraca din nou in IE si vom avea bucuria de a vedea din nou “Sanzienele urbane” inveselind strazile oraselor la jumatatea verii, ca un tribut binemeritat adus acestui puternic simbol national.

Felicitari tuturor oamenilor minunati implicati in acest proiect extraordinar! Felicitari, Asociatiei “La blouse roumaine – IA” ( si tuturor partenerilor sai, in special Asociatiei Europas (, cea care a inteles pe deplin importanta demersului si care s-a alaturat cu entuziasm si bucurie eforturilor de promovare a IEI ca brand de tara!

*Citarile sunt preluate din comunicarile online ale Asociatiei “La blouse roumaine – IA”

                                 -ENGLISH VERSION -

Sanzienele, the Summer Romanian Fairies dress the planet on IE, the Romanian blouse

IA, the Romanian blouse – costume, tradition and cultural identity

On 2013, the community „La blouse roumaine – IA” has created and initiated the Universal Day of IA, on June 24, appropriating the most important symbol of the Romanian folk dress to a special day in the Orthodox calendar – the Christian celebration of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and also in the folk calendar - the solar celebration of the Summer Romanian Fairies, Sânzienele or Dragaica. Since 2013, this day is celebrated on 6 continents, in over 55 countries and more than 150 places around the world, the representatives of the online community and Association IA saying proudly that "on June 24, Sanzienele dress the planet on IE" and organizing an annual event meant to promote the Romanian folk dress nationwide and worldwide. The online community and Association IA also advocates for the Universal Day of IA to be recognized as a national holiday on Romania, because currently there is no law on this respect. At the base of this approach, there are several strong arguments. One is the extraordinary force of an online community "La blouse roumaine - IA" with a very active presence on Facebook, the virtual environment being the main vehicle used to create the proper context to promote IA as Romania's country brand. Immediately, this virtual community has grown tremendously, and at the moment is being created a truly international trend that supports IA as the best "way of expressing the identity of a people."

Another argument which led to the establishment of a powerful initiative in order to support and promote IA as an essential element of the national identity is the lack of national "mechanisms meant to achieve an effective protection of the cultural elements of identity design." "IA must have its law, that will provide a so necessary and deserved protection", says the association "La blouse roumaine - IA" on his approach to achieve legal protection of IA and other traditional Romanian symbols, at the event organized on the World Intellectual Property Day (April 26th 2016).

The Association "La blouse roumaine - IA" is a non-profit entity, with legal status since 2015, established by a group of members from the community "La blouse roumaine", which created and initiated the Universal Day of IA, on June 24, 2013, starting one of the most important cultural movements of the last 25 years, dedicated to IA and to the Romanian identity culture.

How do we explain the success of such an initiative? Simple! When things should happen, because it's natural to be so, things will happen! We need our national identity, we have a strong need to present us to the world by what we really are, through our millennial traditions that kept us united, breathing and living Romanian, wherever we are in the world. Because us, the Romanians, we are everywhere and yes, we take with us everything we hold dear and distinctive, everything that makes us unique. And one of these elements of profound identity is IA. The community "La blouse roumaine - IA" is alive, active and growing, taking worldwide our Romanian heart through one blouse... IA! Thus, online handicraft evening sittings are organized worldwide, while women and men artisans from Romania are now encouraged again to put their soul on the linen. Where the ROMANIAN artistic spirit is expressed in its purest form. Because IA is more than just a costume. IA is the centerpiece of the Romanian folk dress! So in June 24, towns and villages from Romania and from the entire world will be dressed again on the beautiful IA and we will have the joy of seeing again "the urban Sanziene (Summer fairies)" brighten up the city streets in the mid-summer, as a deservedly tribute brought this powerful national symbol.

Congratulations to all the wonderful people involved in this outstanding project! Congratulations to the Association "La blouse roumaine - IA" ( and all its partners, especially to the Association Europas (, the one that fully understood the importance of this endeavor and that joined with enthusiasm the efforts to promote IA as a country brand!

* Citations are taken from the online communications of the Association "La blouse roumaine - IA"


  1. This seems super interesting!

  2. This outfits are lovely and so unique! Love how a cultural can be displayed through fashion

  3. Loved these summer blouses. Look so feminine.

  4. i love it
    i like the white color

  5. Aw, the blouses are adorable. What an awesome project :)

  6. What beautiful blouses! When I was in Bucharest, I loved seeing all of the Romanian needlework at the Museum of the Romanian Peasant. I think it's great that Romanians are working so hard to preserve and promote their traditions. (My father's family is from Brasov.)

  7. Ooh those blouses look so lovely, great to know the history behind it.

    Kelly Knows It | A lifestyle blog

  8. What a nice blouse and a more interesting story. And I like that you blogged in two languages. Makes it much more interesting. :)

    Caren |

  9. Nice and interesting article!

  10. You will need to post some photos from June 24 so we can see this fabulous gathering!

  11. If I could I would buy tons of those blouses <3 I will make sure I don't forget to wear mine on the 24th of June :)





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