Tuesday, 12 July 2016

 14:01:00         9 comments

Bucurie estivala - napolitane cu caramel si alune

Bucurie, estivala, napolitane, cu, caramel, si, alune,

E vara, iar caldura ne invaluie apasator in fiecare zi. Cineva poate crede ca este vremea doar pentru inghetata si fructe de sezon. Totusi, in serile placute si lungi de vara, merge si o prajiturica alaturi de o cafea cu lapte rece si cuburi de gheta, yammmy, mie asa imi place! Savurate in curte sau pe balcon, ne vor reincarca bateriile dupa o zi lunga si obositoare. In plus, ne vor aduce aminte si de gustul copilariei, de prajiturile bunicii, de micile pauze dulci de care ne bucuram impreuna cu prietenii de joaca.
Si pentru ca merita sa ne bucuram de vara si de tot ceea ce inseamna ea, va propunem o reteta simpla, dar delicioasa si care nu va necesita prea mult timp pentru preparare - cine vrea sa stea la bucatarie pe caldura?!

Asadar, dragi prieteni: Napolitane cu caramel si alune


300 gr. zahar
250 gr. unt, la temperatura camerei
200 gr. alune sarate, fara coaja (macinate nu foarte marunt)
3 oua
4 foi de napolitana
4-5 patratele de ciocolata (rase)
esenta de vanilie, dupa gust
fulgi de nuca de cocos/ciocolata rasa (optional, pentru decorare)
1 lingurita de zeama de lamaie

Mod de preparare:

Se pun intr-o craticioara 200 gr. de zahar la caramelizat, peste care se adauga putina apa si lingurita de zeama de lamaie. Se caramelizeaza pana se obtine un caramel maroniu, transparent, apoi craticioara se lasa putin sa se raceasca.

Separat, intr-un bol, se adauga untul, ouale, ciocolata rasa, esenta de vanilie, alunele macinate si cele 100 gr. de zahar ramase. Se amesteca bine toate ingredientele pana se omogenizeaza compozitia.

Se ia craticiora cu caramelul si se pune din nou pe foc (focul sa fie mic). Se adauga peste caramel compozitia pregatita mai devreme si se amesteca pana ce se dizolva caramelul. Se ia de pe foc si se lasa la racit pana ce toata compozitia devine calduta.

Apoi, pe o hartie de copt, se aseaza alternativ o foaie de napolitana, un strat de compozitie, ultimul strat fiind o foaie de napolitana.Daca doriti sa decorati cu fulgi de nuca de cocos sau cu ciocolata rasa, este bine sa pastrati putina compozitie pentru partea de deasupra a ultimei foi de napolitana (ajuta la fixarea elementelor de decorare).

Se pune la frigider pentru a se putea intari si apoi se taie in forma dorita.

Bucurati-va de vara!

                - ENGLISH VERISON - 

Summer joy - Wafers with caramel and peanuts

It's summer and the overwhelming heat surrounds us every day. One may think it's only ice cream and seasonal fruit time.However, the long and nice summer evenings are the right time for a cookie alongside a coffee with cold milk and some ice cubes, yammmy, that's how I like it! Enjoyed in the garden or on the balcony, they will recharge our batteries after a long and tiring day. Furthermore, they will remember us the childhood taste with the grandma's cookies, the sweet little breaks we enjoyed with the playmates. And because we deserve to enjoy the summer and all the little lovely things it brings, we propose a simple but delicious recipe, that will not require much time for preparation - who wants to sit on the kitchen in the heat?!


300 gr. sugar
250 gr. butter (at room temperature)
200 gr. salted peanuts, without crust (but not finely grounded)
3 eggs
4 sheets of wafer
4-5 pieces of chocolate (grated)
vanilla extract, at your taste
coconut flakes/grated chocolate (optional, for decorative purpose)
1 teaspoon of lemon juice

Method of preparation:

Place in a pan 200 gr. of sugar to caramelize, then add a teaspoon of water and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Let the the sugar to melt until you get a transparent brownish caramel, then put the pan aside and leave it a little to cool down.

Separately, in a bowl, add the butter, the eggs, the grated chocolate, the vanilla extract, the grounded peanuts, and the 100 gr. sugar left. Mix all the ingredients until the mixture is smooth.

Take the pan with the caramel and put it back on fire (the fire shloud be small). Add to the caramel, the composition prepared earlier and stir it until the caramel dissolves. Remove it from the fire and leave it aside until the composition is getting just a little warm.

Then, on a baking paper, put alternatively one sheet of wafer, one layer of composition, the last layer being a sheet of wafer. If you wish to decorate the last sheet of wafer with coconut flakes/grated chocolate, it is better to save a little composition for the above part of the last sheet (it helps fixing the decorating elements).

Place in the fridge to harden and then cut into the desired shape.

Enjoy the summer!


  1. will def give it a try, you did well to include recipe and guide. . you are amazing and I like wafers too.

  2. These are so delicious and really not that difficult to make. Yum!

  3. They look so delicious! It's kind of making me hungry...

  4. My summer evenings are pretty similiar. Nice cup of coffee, some cookies and a great book. Who needs anything else. Thank you for sharing your recipe.

  5. These do look so delicious and easy to make. Yum!


  6. Ohh i could eat them all day! Yummy

  7. Looks delicious! I will try it myself. Thank you for the recipe

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