Petrecerile pentru copii nu sunt o joaca
E ziua copilului tau (mai mare sau mai mic) si iti doresti sa-i organizezi ceva cat de cat memorabil. Nu de alta, dar sigur iti aduci aminte din propria copilarie mai degraba aniversarile in care ti s-a umplut casa de prieteni, colegi si vecini decat de cadoul cumparat de parinti. Ma rog, nu stiu altii cum sunt, dar la mine asa a functionat. In neamul nostru, toti iubeau petrecerile si orice pretext era foooarte bun sa ne adunam cu rude si prieteni, la o petrecere programata sau improvizata. Ca deh, si pe atunci contau pregatirile, dar nici nu se formaliza nimeni daca nu erai pregatit cu cine stie ce. Mai ales ca multi nici nu prea aveau cu ce sa se pregateasca, pentru simplul fapt ca nu se gasea mai nimic de cumparat!!! Dar asta e o alta poveste.
In orice caz, eu pledez pentru petreceri – stiu din experienta cata bucurie pot aduce!!! Azi vom discuta putin despre petrecerile cu buget mic. Ok, daca nu poti organiza ceva in stil mare, trebuie sa dai dovada de suficienta imaginatie, rabdare si mai ales sa ai tactul de a-i detalia copilului de ce ai ales sa-i serbezi ziua intr-un mod mai neconventional. Daca discutati frumos si va intelegeti, puteti gasi impreuna si alte variante mai putin costisitoare. Adica, puteti organiza o iesire in parc, alaturi de cativa prieteni, pe care ii veti invita cu multa discretie, pentru ca vorba despre petreceri circula repede si s-ar putea sa ajungi in parc in compania unui grup mai numeros decat te asteptai! Poti sa-i rogi pe ceilalti parinti sa va insoteasca, oricum e bine sa mai fie inca cel putin un adult prin preajma si se presupune ca ati luat deja legatura cand ati lansat invitatia. Nu vei accepta sub nicio forma ca vreun copil sa va insoteasca fara acordul explicit al unui adult din familia sa. Puteti organiza intreceri de biciclete, role, trotinete, sa jucati fotbal, sa desenati cu creta sau alte activitati in aer liber. De asemenea, puteti merge la un loc de joaca din parc, care este evident gratuit. Apoi poti invita copiii la o inghetata, la o prajitura sau poti aduce tu o mica tratatie; exista in multe parcuri zone frumos amenajate, unde sa puteti manca in liniste o gustare. Sigur e bine sa ai la tine cateva servetele umede, 1 – 2 sticle cu apa, leucoplast. Le poti cumpara cateva baloane pe care sa va distrati umflandu-le, tuburi cu solutie pentru baloane de sapun sau orice alt maruntis care nu costa mult dar care le-ar face mare placere. O prietena care sta in apropierea unui parc foarte frumos, mi-a povestit ca i-a invitat pe copii la un loc de joaca din parc, le-a adus cateva baloane, pizza, suc si le-a cumparat inghetata chiar din parc. Astfel, desi nu a cheltuit prea mult, sarbatoritul a fost foarte fericit, pentru ca a putut sa se joace chiar de ziua lui, alaturi de cei mai dragi prieteni.
Si daca nu e vreme buna, ce facem? Nu toti suntem nascuti intr-un anotimp cald si prietenos! Sau se poate intampla ca exact ziua respectiva sa fie una ploioasa! Da, atunci e putin mai complicat! Din nou, deciziile depind de buget: daca numarul invitatilor nu este prea mare si te incadrezi in banuti, ii poti invita pe toti la un film, la o piesa de teatru sau la un atelier pentru copii. Si te asiguri ca la fata locului aduci macar o cutie de suc si cateva bomboane si ai rezolvat cazul!
Daca aceasta cheltuiala este prea mare, atunci poti organiza ceva chiar la tine acasa! Stiu, cativa copilasi pot face iures intr-un mic apartament de bloc, dar vei fi rasplatita cu zambetul copilului tau, cu luminite de fericire in ochii lui! Si chiar merita, nu?! Plus ca il poti ruga sa te ajute la pregatirea petrecerii si la curatenia de dupa! Le poti oferi copiilor jocuri gen Monopoly, Piticot sau ceva ce place, in functie de varsta, va puteti uita la un film pe placul tuturor, puteti face o mica piesa de teatru improvizata, pornind de la un subiect cunoscut de toata lumea. Oricum ar fi, copilul tau va aprecia ca te-ai straduit sa marchezi aceasta zi, ca ai fost acolo, alaturi de el si de prieteni sai, va vedea si va simti ca este centrul preocuparilor tale! Pana la urma, asta este tot ce conteaza!
It is your child birthday (older or smaller) and you wish to organize for her/him something as memorable as possible. Sure you remember from your own childhood the birthday parties where you had your house full of friends, colleagues and neighbors better than you remember the gifts from your parents. Anyway, I don’t know how other people are, but for me it worked. In our family, everybody loved parties and any pretext was veeery good to get together with relatives and friends, to a planned or impromptu party. Even then the preparations were important, but no one was getting upset if you weren’t prepared with something special. Mainly because not a lot of people used to have too much to prepare, for the only reason that it was difficult to find something to buy!!!! But this is another story to tell.
Anyway, I plead for parties – I know from my experience how much joy they can bring!!!
Today we will discuss about low budget parties. OK, if you can’t organize something in big style, you have to prove sufficient imagination, patience and especially tact to explain to your child why you chose to celebrate hers/his birthday in a more unconventional way. You can discuss about this and find together the best solution. What I mean is that you can organize a party in a park along with some friends, which you can invite with great discretion, because the words about parties spread very fast, and you can find yourself surrounded by a larger group then you were expected! You can ask other parents to join you, anyway it is better to be more than one adult around and it is assumed that you already contacted them when you sent the invitation. Do not accept under any circumstances that a child accompanies you without the explicit approval of an adult from her/his family! You can organize bicycle, roller skates and scooters rides; you can play football, make chalk drawings or any other activities suitable for open spaces. Also, you can go to a playground from the park, which of course is free of charge. Then you can invite the kids to have some ice cream, cake or other homemade goodies; there are in many parks nice areas, where people can have a snack. It would be better to have with you some wet wipes, 1-2 bottles of water and some band aids. You can buy some balloons which you can inflate, tubes with soap balloons solution or any small things that are not very expensive, but that kids will love.
A friend of mine that lives close to a very nice park, told me that she have invited the kids to a playground in the park, brought them some balloons, pizza, fruit juices and bought them ice cream right from the park. This way she didn’t spend too much, and the birthday boy was very happy, because he could play on his birthday, along with his dear friends.
What we do if the weather is not good? Not all of us were born in a warm and friendly season! Or it is possible to rain exactly on that day! In this case is a little more complicated! Again, the decisions depend on the budget: if the number of the guests is not too big and you have enough money, you can invite them to a movie, to a theater play or to a kid’s workshop. And you make sure that you take with you at least one bottle of fruit juice and some candies and…case solved!
If this expense is too big, then you can organize something right at your home! I know that some kids can make a big mess in a small apartment, but you will be rewarded with your child smile, the lights of happiness from her/his eyes! Is this not worthy? Plus you can ask her/him to help you with the preparations for the party and with the after party cleaning! You can lead the kids to play Monopoly or something they like, taking into consideration their age, you can watch together a movie that everyone likes, you can make an improvised small play, starting from some well-known theme. Anyway, your child would really appreciate that you did your best to make his birthday a day to remember, that you have been there for her/him, together with his/hers friends, she/he will see and feel that is the center of your universe! After all, this is all that matters!
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