Wednesday, 6 April 2016

 21:25:00         16 comments

Tradition and respect for sport

Tradition, and, respect, for, sport,

Facem ce facem si vorbim iar despre greci si Grecia, pentru ca azi, 6 aprilie, Google marcheaza implinirea a 120 de ani de la debutul Jocurilor Olimpice moderne de vara, dupa o perioada de 1500 de ani de intrerupere. Astfel, in perioada 6 -15 aprilie 1896, a avut loc la Atena (Grecia) prima editie moderna a Jocurilor Olimpice, dupa ce acestea au fost interzise in anul 393, de catre imparatul roman Teodosiu. In Antichitate, Jocurile Olimpice au avut loc incepand din anul în 776 i.Hr. in Olympia (Grecia) si s-au desfasurat pana in anul 393.

Reluarea in timpurile moderne a Jocurilor Olimpice se datoreaza demersurilor unui aristocrat si intelectual francez, Pierre de Frédy, Baron de Coubertin, care a avut ideea intemeierii Comitetului Olimpic International (1894), cu mandatul de a organiza acest eveniment istoric, peste doi ani, in 1896. Deviza olimpica oficiala este: „Citius, Altius, Fortius” (“Mai repede, mai sus, mai puternic”), iar juramantul olimpic reprezinta idealurile lui Pierre de Coubertin, motivul pentru care a dorit ca Jocurile Olimpice sa fie readuse in actualitate: „Cel mai important lucru la Jocurile Olimpice nu este sa castigi, ci sa participi, asa cum in viata nu conteaza triumful, ci lupta. Esential nu e sa cuceresti, ci sa lupti bine.” Flacara olimpica, simbolul Jocurilor Olimpice, este permanent aprinsa in Olympia (Grecia) si este purtata de catre sportivi pana in orasul gazda al olimpiadei, avand un rol important in deschiderea Jocurilor Olimpice si ramanand aprinsa pana la ceremonia de inchidere.

Steagul olimpic are fundal alb, pe care sunt desenate cele cinci cercuri intercalate - roșu, albastru, verde, galben și negru - si reprezinta unitatea si buna intelegere intre cele cinci continente, precum si toate natiile participante la jocuri, in deplina egalitate si respect. De asemenea, aceste culori reprezinta culorile prezente pe toate steagurile de pe mapamond. Drapelul olimpic a fost adoptat în 1914 si a fost pentru prima data inaltat cu ocazia Jocurilor Olimpice de la Antwerp (1920).
Folosind drept motiv traditia Jocurilor Olimpice din antichitate, la prima olimpiada moderna NU a fost permisa participarea femeilor. In semn de protest, atleta Stamata Revith a alergat maratonul in data de 11 aprilie, a doua zi dupa proba oficiala, in care au alergat doar barbati. La aceasta editie a Jocurilor Olimpice, Romania nu a fost reprezentata. Jocurile Olimpice moderne se desfasoara o data la patru ani, iar pana in 1992, Jocurile Olimpice de Vara si Jocurile Olimpice de Iarna s-au desfasurat in acelasi an. Din 1994, se desfasoara la interval de patru ani, dar cu un decalaj de doi ani intre editia de vara si cea de iarna.

In respectul pentru sport si pentru beneficiile pe care acesta le aduce atat la nivel personal, cat si in ceea ce priveste relatiile interumane, dar si intre diferite tari si popoare, in 2013, Adunarea Generala a Natiunilor Unite a stabilit data de 6 aprilie drept Ziua Internationala a Sportului pentru Dezvoltare si Pace. In aceasta zi speciala sarbatorim in toata lumea contributia sportului si a activitatii fizice, in general, la educatie si sanatate, la promovarea femeilor si tinerilor, la o mai buna incluziune sociala, la dezvoltare, pace, respect si toleranta.
Este important sa avem zile speciale, dedicate unor anumite cauze sau idei! Da, cred ca trebuie sa avem o zi dedicata femeii sau indragostitilor! Sau pacii, sau faptelor bune, sau prieteniei! Cineva sau ceva trebuie sa ne aduca mereu aminte ca suntem oameni si ca mai mult decat orice, ne leaga umanitatea, faptul ca toti depindem pentru a trai de un unic pamant, de o singura planeta! Poate singura din Universul cunoscut, pe care este posibila viata. Trebuie sa ne amintim ca suntem oameni, ca trebuie sa fim toleranti, solidari si responsabili! Sa nu lasam ca timpurile si circumstantele sa ne indeparteze unii de altii, sa ridicam ziduri intre tari si intre oameni, in sufletele si in mintile noastre. Nu sunt atat de naiva sau de optimista sa nu vad raul care ne inconjoara si care parca nu se mai termina. Dar sa nu uitam, a fost mereu prezent in istoria umanitatii. Depinde doar de oamenii buni si responsabili sa nu se uite in alta parte si sa ia atitudine. Fie chiar sau doar prin sport!

                                - ENGLISH VERSION -

And we talk again about the Greeks and Greece, because today, April 6, Google marks the celebration of 120 years of the debut of modern Summer Olympics, after a period of 1500 years of interruption. Thus, between 6 -15 April 1896, was held in Athens (Greece) the first modern edition of the Olympic Games after they were forbidden in 393, by the Roman Emperor Theodosius. In antiquity the Olympic Games were held starting from 776 BC in Olympia (Greece) until 393.

Resuming in modern times of the Olympic Games are due to the actions of an aristocrat and French intellectual Pierre Fredy, Baron de Coubertin who had the idea of founding the International Olympic Committee (1894), with the mandate to organize this historic event, in two years, in 1896. The official Olympic motto is "Citius, Altius, Fortius" ( "faster, higher, stronger") and the Olympic oath represents the ideals of Pierre de Coubertin, the reason he wanted the Olympics to be restored in actuality "the most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, as in life no matter the triumph, but the struggle. Essential is not to conquer but to fight well. "The Olympic Flame, the symbol of the Olympic Games, is permanently lit in Olympia (Greece) and is carried by athletes to the host city of the Olympics, having an important role in Olympics opening and resting lit until the closing ceremony.

The Olympic flag with white background, on which are drawn interspersed five circles - red, blue, green, yellow and black - represents the unity and harmony between the five continents and all nations participating in the Games, in full equality and respect. Also, these colors represent the colors present on all the flags of the world. The Olympic flag was adopted in 1914 and was first uplifted during the Olympic Games in Antwerp (1920).
Invoking the tradition of ancient Olympic Games as an excuse, at the first modern Olympics was not allowed the participation of women. In protest, Stamos Revith woman athlete ran the marathon in April 11, the day after the official probe, in which ran only men. At this Olympic Games, Romania was not represented.
Modern Olympic Games are held every four years and until 1992, the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics were held in the same year. Since 1994, the Olympics take place every four years, but with a lag of two years between summer and the winter edition.

In respect for the sport and the benefit it brings to both the personal level and in terms of human relationships, but also between different countries and nations, in 2013, United Nations General Assembly has set April 6 as the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace. In this special day worldwide we celebrate the contribution of sports and physical activity, in general, to education and health to the empowerment of women and young people, to a better social inclusion, to development, peace, respect and tolerance. It is important to have special days dedicated to certain causes or ideas! Yes, I think we should have one day dedicated to women or persons in love! Or peace, or acts of kindness, or friendship! Someone or something must always remember us that we are humans and that more than anything, we share humanity, that all of us depend for a living on one single Earth, on one planet! Perhaps the only one from the known universe, where life is possible. We must remember that we are people, we must be tolerant, united and responsible! Do not let the times and circumstances drive us away from each other, to raise walls between countries and people, in our souls and minds. I am not so naive or optimistic not to see the evil that surrounds us and that seems never to end. But let's not forget, it was always present in human history. It only depends on good and responsible people not to look the other way and take a stand. Whether or even just through sport!


  1. very good article and interesting read :)

    1. Thank you for reading and for your appreciation! Keep following us!

  2. Such a great read - thank you! x

  3. If only we could all do more things in our everyday lives than celebrating and setting a special day for each cause... It's good to be reminded of all the good causes, but unfortunatelly, all the great organisations, like UN, should do more things to change the world. They have more power than just setting special days. I beleive they are not doing enough, that's all. I was reading a book for trafficking today, and all the laws UN has passed, without being able to change much, so excuse my attitude. :) Your post is great (don't get me wrong, I am not mad at you), but our world needs a lot of changes. More actions and less talking and celebrating is needed!

    1. You are right, we must to take a stand and fight as citizens for whatever we think is good for the entire society! The changes are in our hands too!

  4. Very informative and cool reading. I would love to see a little more breaks and spaces while reading, looks like a bible!

    1. Thank you for commenting! We will keep in mind your advice and we will live more breaks and spaces between lines.

  5. informative and awesome stuff right their :) keep updating

    1. Thank you for reading and for your appreciation! Keep following us to see the new updates!

  6. This is good piece of writing informs us, facilitates us and entrains us Overall a good article to read

    1. Thank you for the nice words and the appreciations! Keep following us!

  7. thanks MIcky for the informative read, great to know about the olympic History. Sports are the great way to bring Nations together.

    1. Thank you Myda for the comment! Sports indeed are a good way to bring nations together, especially these days!





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