Friday 8 April 2016

 16:40:00         20 comments

Spaghetti with ground beef and sauce (Bolognese)

Spaghetti ,with, ground, beef, and sauce  Bolognese,
Un inceput de week-end ca o seara in Italia. Vacanta e departe, dar putem sa ne bucuram de aromele Italiei la noi acasa! Va propunem o reteta italiana:
 Spaghete cu carne tocata de vita si sos (Bolognese)

400 gr. carne tocata de vita
250 gr. Spaghete (nefierte)
1 ceapa alba
5-6 catei de usturoi
100 gr. sos de tomate
Condimente dupa gust (sare, piper, chimen, oregano, cimbru, menta, fulgi de chili)
Ulei (de preferat, ulei de masline)

Mod de preparare:
Se pune apa la fiert si cand fierbe se adauga sarea si spaghetele, apoi se amesteca din cand in cand ca sa nu se lipeasca, urmand instructiunile de pe ambalaj privind timpul de fierbere. Secretul este sa oprim focul cu un minut, poate chiar doua inainte de cel prevazut pe ambalaj. Italienii prefera pastele “al dente” si stiu ei de ce! Oricum, acestea vor mai fi preparate termic in continuare, iar cele care nu sunt foarte bine fierte, sunt mai sanatoase si mai usor de digerat. Nu o spunem noi, o spun nutritionistii: pastele fierte "al dente" ingrasa mai putin decat painea sau orezul!
Intre timp, se pune putin ulei intr-o tigaie si cand uleiul s-a incins se adauga ceapa tocata cubulete, pe care o calim pana devine aurie. Apoi se adauga usturoiul pisat si se amesteca pana se caleste si acesta putin. Se adauga carnea tocata si condimentele, apoi se amesteca pana ce carnea isi schimba culoarea si devine maronie. Se adauga bulionul si se pune un capac. Se lasa sa scada pana ce sosul devine consistent.
Spaghetele fierte se strecoara si se pun sub un jet de apa rece. Nu le clatiti prea mult, daca sunt fierte “al dente” nici nu prea au nevoie de clatire. Evitam sa le racim de tot, pentru ca peste cateva minute sa le incalzim din nou. Se scurge bine apa si se pun la loc in oala in care au fiert, apoi se adauga carnea cu sosul si se amesteca.
Dupa cateva minute in care fierb bine, puteti folosi o lingura speciala pentru spaghete, pentru a le transfera din oala pe platoul/farfuria pe care urmeaza sa le serviti. Ornati cu frunze proaspete de busuioc sau menta, arata foarte bine si miros imbietor! Daca ati facut o cantitate mai mare si mai ales daca aveti musafiri la masa, este foarte frumos sa le transferati intr-un bol incapator, de unde se poate servi toata lumea cu cantitatea dorita. Pentru a intra in atmosfera Italiei, puteti aseza o fata de masa in patratele cu alb si rosu, puneti muzica italieneasca veche, deschideti o sticla de vin (spaghetele cu carne si sos de rosii merg bine cu un vin rosu sec - Feteasca Neagra sau Cabernet Sauvignon). Nu uitati sa asezati pe masa sare, piper, parmesan ras si buna dispozitie specifica italienilor. La final, un minunat tiramisu sau o cafea espresso pot completa o masa minunata. Seara se poate incheia cu filmul “Vacanta la Roma”, plin de romantism si cu doi actori de neuitat: Audrey Hepburn si Gregory Peck.
Nu va simtiti deja in vacanta?

Pofta buna!

                           - ENGLISH VERSION -

The beginning of a weekend as an evening in Italy. The holiday is far, but we can enjoy the flavors of Italy in our own home! We propose you an Italian recipe:

Spaghetti with ground beef and sauce (Bolognese)

400 gr. ground beef
250g raw spaghetti
1 onion finely diced
5-6 garlic cloves
100 gr. tomato sauce
Condiments - as desire (salt, pepper, cumin, oregano, thyme, mint, chili flakes)
Oil (olive oil is better)
Method of preparation:
Bring the water to boil and add salt and spaghetti then stir occasionally, according to package instructions. Italians prefer pasta "al dente" and they know why! However, they will be cooked further, and those who are not very well boiled, are healthier and easier to digest.We don't say this, the nutritionists say: pasta cooked "al dente" fatten less than bread or rice!
Meanwhile, put a little quantity of oil in a pan and when the oil is hot add the onion finely diced and fry it until is golden. Then add the crushed garlic and stir until is sautéed a little. Add the ground beef and condiments, then stir until the meat changes color and becomes brown. Add the tomato sauce and put a lid. Let it to simmer gently until the sauce is thick and rich. Transfer the cooked spaghetti in a colander and put it under running cold water. Do not rinse too much, if they are cooked "al dente" did not really need rinsing. Avoid super cooling them, because in a few minutes we warm them again. Shake well and then put them back in the pot were they boiled, add the meat with the sauce and stir to combine.
After a few minutes while they are boiling well, you can use a special spaghetti spoon to transfer them from the pot on the plate you will serve them. Garnish with fresh basil or mint leaves, look great and smell inviting! If you made a greater quantity and especially if you have guests at the table is very nice to transfer them in a bigger bowl, from where everyone can serve as much as they want. To enter into the atmosphere of Italy, you can place a tablecloth with white and red squares, put Italian old music and open a bottle of wine (spaghetti with meat and tomato sauce go well with a dry red wine - Black Feteasca or Cabernet Sauvignon). Do not forget to place on the table salt, pepper, grated parmesan and good mood Italian style. Finally, a wonderful tiramisu and an espresso can complete a wonderful dinner. The evening may end with the film "Roman Holiday", full of romance and with unforgettable two actors: Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck.
Don't you feel already on holiday?

Buon appetito!


  1. This looks so great.. Now I know what I'll be making for dinner tonight.. Thanks :D

    1. I hope you try them, they are indeed delicious and easy to cook.

  2. Yummmm!..... I am sure it would be so delicious ... I loved the name <3 I will try it ... *mouth watering* <3 <3

    1. They are very delicious and easy to cook. You must try them! Don't forget the whole scenario for a nice evening!

  3. I'm so hungry right now and seeing this recipe + the picture is driving me nuts! It looks sooooo delicious! And YES, I already feel on holidays!!! :)

    1. It is good to let your imagination running wild. Spaghetti, red wine, good film and good movie is a killer combination.

  4. would love to eat this looking very good

    1. Try them and you will not regret it...that's a promise! they are yummy.

  5. Yum! I've been trying to work out what to cook for dinner and now I have. Thanks for the recipe it looks great ☺

    1. Try this recipe and you will not regret it! It is veryyyyy TASTY!

  6. Waooooo. This is wonderful

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    1. Thank you for reading and for your appreciation! Keep following us!

  7. Looks so yummy! I have to try your recipes.

    Thanks for posting 😊😊

    1. Try make this recipe, it is tasty and very easy to cook. Keep following us and soon we will share a recipe of different kind of pasta.

  8. wow, the spegatti looks yummy, will cook for myself soon :)

    1. Try them and you will not regret it...that's a promise! Very easy to cook!

  9. Spaghetti is one of my all time favourite dishes! This post has just made me really hungry now haha!

    1. Spaghetti are indeed very tasty and easy to prepare....and of course when you see then even if you are not hungry you want to taste them.

  10. I am definitely going to try this out over the weekend.

  11. Please do, it is very easy to make and very tasty!





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