Love like a battle from Star Wars
Love is in the air! Pai, cam da! A venit caldura si miroaseee…a flori si a verdeata proaspata! Ce ne mai indeamna vremea asta la plimbare si visare! Am promis ca vom reveni cu povestile de dragoste ale copilariei si exact asta facem.
Vorbim de aceasta data de un baietel de vreo sase anisori, fiul unei prietene! Frumoooos, istet foarte si extrem de curios in a explora lumea si viata in toate aspectele. Este scolar, in clasa pregatitoare, unde are un grup de prieteni deja format, multi dintre colegii de gradinita mergand la aceeasi scoala si chiar in aceeasi clasa. Minunat, am putea spune! Iar din acest grup de prieteni – fetite si baietei, mai frumoasa si mai frumoasa dintre toate este o anume domnisoara. Cel putin asa pretinde eroul nostru, cel care, dupa cativa ani de colegialitate si buna prietenie, si-a dat seama ca sentimentele lui fata de una dintre fetite s-au transformat intr-o iubire inflacarata. Pentru ca el asa simte, cu fluturi in stomac, bucurie si nesiguranta, gelozie si dorinta de a fi mereu in preajma persoanei iubite. Adica simte exact ca noi toti, doar ca prin prisma unui sentiment inocent, plin de puritatea si prospetimea copilariei. Cam asa cum s-a simtit fiecare din noi prima data cand s-a indragostit, chiar daca nu ne mai aducem aminte!
Si toate ar fi bune si frumoase, doar ca stiti cum e: cine se aseamana, se aduna, iar acest lucru se verifica de fiecare data! Iata ca prietenul cel mai bun al baietelui nostru este si el…ati ghicit! Indragostit de aceeasi fetita! Ca doar sunt prieteni buni si au aceleasi gusturi si sensibilitati!
Prietena mea, vazand ce se intampla, a luat foarte in serios situatia, pentru ca altfel nici nu se putea, fara sa raneasca sentimentele puiului de om. Il vedea ca are zile si zile, unele in care era absent, melancolic, altele in care deborda de veselie si entuziasm. Deh, ca atunci cand esti indragostit: dispozitia merge mana in mana cu evolutia relatiei de iubire. Pana cand intr-o zi in care a venit acasa si a spus ca ii trebuie de a doua zi un ghiozdan mai mare! Pai, de ce? Ca oricum si cel pe care il avea era printre cele mai mari in clasa! Simplu, copilul avea nevoie de un ghiozdan mai mare, pentru a-si duce la scoala sabia de cavaler Jedi (parintii sunt fani, asa incat si copilul…intelegeti!). Cum, la ce-i trebuie sabia? Pentru ca a doua zi urmeaza sa aiba loc batalia decisiva!!!!! Mami e deja gura-casca, nu mai intelege nimic! Ce sabie, ce batalie??? Batalia dintre Yoda si Darth Vader, personaje din Razboiul Stelelor, intruchipand binele si raul. Adica, a doua zi, urma ca fiecare dintre cei doi rivali sa vina cu sabia de cavaler Jedi la scoala si sa poarte batalia finala, urmand ca invingatorul sa fie cel indreptatit sa o cucereasca pe tanara domnita. In treacat fie spus, pe ea nu a intrebat-o nimeni ce parere are despre aceasta problema, desi ar fi fost util si nu ar mai fi fost nevoie de nicio “batalie decisiva”. Dar aceasta este o alta poveste! In fine, nu a plecat nimeni la scoala cu nicio sabie (s-a luat legatura si cu mama celuilalt baietel), dar batalia a avut totusi loc…la nivel simbolic. Adica un fel de fugareala pe si printre bancile din clasa. La final, fiecare a ajuns la concluzia ca el a fost invingatorul si ca desigur, domnisoara ii va acorda pe viitor atentia cuvenita.
Vorbim de aceasta data de un baietel de vreo sase anisori, fiul unei prietene! Frumoooos, istet foarte si extrem de curios in a explora lumea si viata in toate aspectele. Este scolar, in clasa pregatitoare, unde are un grup de prieteni deja format, multi dintre colegii de gradinita mergand la aceeasi scoala si chiar in aceeasi clasa. Minunat, am putea spune! Iar din acest grup de prieteni – fetite si baietei, mai frumoasa si mai frumoasa dintre toate este o anume domnisoara. Cel putin asa pretinde eroul nostru, cel care, dupa cativa ani de colegialitate si buna prietenie, si-a dat seama ca sentimentele lui fata de una dintre fetite s-au transformat intr-o iubire inflacarata. Pentru ca el asa simte, cu fluturi in stomac, bucurie si nesiguranta, gelozie si dorinta de a fi mereu in preajma persoanei iubite. Adica simte exact ca noi toti, doar ca prin prisma unui sentiment inocent, plin de puritatea si prospetimea copilariei. Cam asa cum s-a simtit fiecare din noi prima data cand s-a indragostit, chiar daca nu ne mai aducem aminte!
Si toate ar fi bune si frumoase, doar ca stiti cum e: cine se aseamana, se aduna, iar acest lucru se verifica de fiecare data! Iata ca prietenul cel mai bun al baietelui nostru este si el…ati ghicit! Indragostit de aceeasi fetita! Ca doar sunt prieteni buni si au aceleasi gusturi si sensibilitati!
Prietena mea, vazand ce se intampla, a luat foarte in serios situatia, pentru ca altfel nici nu se putea, fara sa raneasca sentimentele puiului de om. Il vedea ca are zile si zile, unele in care era absent, melancolic, altele in care deborda de veselie si entuziasm. Deh, ca atunci cand esti indragostit: dispozitia merge mana in mana cu evolutia relatiei de iubire. Pana cand intr-o zi in care a venit acasa si a spus ca ii trebuie de a doua zi un ghiozdan mai mare! Pai, de ce? Ca oricum si cel pe care il avea era printre cele mai mari in clasa! Simplu, copilul avea nevoie de un ghiozdan mai mare, pentru a-si duce la scoala sabia de cavaler Jedi (parintii sunt fani, asa incat si copilul…intelegeti!). Cum, la ce-i trebuie sabia? Pentru ca a doua zi urmeaza sa aiba loc batalia decisiva!!!!! Mami e deja gura-casca, nu mai intelege nimic! Ce sabie, ce batalie??? Batalia dintre Yoda si Darth Vader, personaje din Razboiul Stelelor, intruchipand binele si raul. Adica, a doua zi, urma ca fiecare dintre cei doi rivali sa vina cu sabia de cavaler Jedi la scoala si sa poarte batalia finala, urmand ca invingatorul sa fie cel indreptatit sa o cucereasca pe tanara domnita. In treacat fie spus, pe ea nu a intrebat-o nimeni ce parere are despre aceasta problema, desi ar fi fost util si nu ar mai fi fost nevoie de nicio “batalie decisiva”. Dar aceasta este o alta poveste! In fine, nu a plecat nimeni la scoala cu nicio sabie (s-a luat legatura si cu mama celuilalt baietel), dar batalia a avut totusi loc…la nivel simbolic. Adica un fel de fugareala pe si printre bancile din clasa. La final, fiecare a ajuns la concluzia ca el a fost invingatorul si ca desigur, domnisoara ii va acorda pe viitor atentia cuvenita.
Cel putin acest lucru le-a fost comunicat mamicilor nerabdatoare si usor stresate de situatia respectiva. In zilele care au urmat, tanarul nostru erou chiar a prins brusc o mare iubire si fata de programul de after-school pe care il frecventeaza si pe care voia sa-l abandoneze la un moment dat. Si stiti de ce? Pentru ca parintii iubirii vietii lui tocmai o inscrisesera si pe fetita la acelasi after-school! Din punctul lui de vedere toata lumea e fericita….insa, domnisoara nu a putut fi contactata pentru a prezenta punctul ei de vedere.
Multumim prietenei noastre Dana pentru aceasta poveste minunata!
Love is in the air! Well, yes! The weather is becoming warmer and the air is full the scent of flowers and fresh herbs! And this nice wetter invites us to walk and dream in the nature! We promised that we will come back with stories of love during childhood and that's what we are doing!
This time, we will tell the story of a boy about six years old, the son of a friend of mine! Beautiful boy, very smart and extremely curious about the world and the life in all its aspects. A school boy, in the preparatory year of the elementary school, where he already has a group of friends, because many of his kindergarten colleagues are going to the same school and even in the same class. Wonderful really, one can say! And in this group of friends – girls and boys, “the fairest one of all” is a certain little lady. At least so claims our hero, the one that, after several years of collegiality and good friendship, suddenly realized that his feelings for one of the girls turned into an ardent love. Because that’s the ways he is feeling it, with butterflies in the stomach, joy and uncertainty, jealousy and desire to always be around the loved one. Meaning that he feels just like all of us, but in terms of an innocent feeling, full of purity and freshness of the childhood. The same feeling each of us lived as being in love for the first time, even if nobody remembers it anymore! All things good and nice, but you know what they say: friends are alike, and this is true every time! Here it, the best friend of our boy is also in love… you guessed! In love with the same little girl! They are friends, isn't it? Thy have the same taste and feelings!
My girlfriend, noticing what was happening, she took the situation very seriously, because otherwise it could not be, without hurting the feelings little man. She was seeing him having good and not so good days, some days he was absent, in some melancholic, during others he was overflowing with joy and enthusiasm. Huh, it’s like this when in love: the mood depends on evolution of the love relationship. Until one day, when he came home and announced her that he needs another schoolbag. A bigger one! Why? He already had one of the biggest schoolbags from the class! Simple, the little boy needed a bigger schoolbag in order to take the Jedi light saber at school - both parents love Star Wars, so the kid…you probably understand! The Jedi light saber at school??? What for? Because the next day the decisive battle is going to take place!!! Mommy's already stunned! She doesn’t understand a bit! What light saber, what battle! The battle of Yoda versus Darth Vader, two characters from the Star Wars, symbolizing the good and the evil. Meaning, the next day, each of the two rivals was supposed to take theirs light sabers at school and to fight the final battle. In the end, the winner was to be entitled to conquer the young lady.
Incidentally, no one asked her what she thought of that matter, although it would have been useful and there would have been no need for the "decisive battle". But this is another story! Finally, no one went to school with a light saber (the mother of the other boy was contacted too), but the battle did took place ... symbolically. I mean a kind of running among the desks from the classroom.
At the end, each boy concluded that he was the real winner and of course the little lady will give, in the future, the due attention.
At least this was the conclusion that the two Jedi knights communicated to their mothers - impatient and easily stressed by the situation. In the days that followed, our young hero suddenly became interested even by the after-school program that he attended and who wanted to abandon at a certain time. And you know why? Because the parents of the “love of his life” just enrolled the little girl to the same after-school!
From his point of view, everybody is happy now.....only the little lady couldn't be contacted in order to present her point of view.
Multumim prietenei noastre Dana pentru aceasta poveste minunata!
Love is in the air! Well, yes! The weather is becoming warmer and the air is full the scent of flowers and fresh herbs! And this nice wetter invites us to walk and dream in the nature! We promised that we will come back with stories of love during childhood and that's what we are doing!
This time, we will tell the story of a boy about six years old, the son of a friend of mine! Beautiful boy, very smart and extremely curious about the world and the life in all its aspects. A school boy, in the preparatory year of the elementary school, where he already has a group of friends, because many of his kindergarten colleagues are going to the same school and even in the same class. Wonderful really, one can say! And in this group of friends – girls and boys, “the fairest one of all” is a certain little lady. At least so claims our hero, the one that, after several years of collegiality and good friendship, suddenly realized that his feelings for one of the girls turned into an ardent love. Because that’s the ways he is feeling it, with butterflies in the stomach, joy and uncertainty, jealousy and desire to always be around the loved one. Meaning that he feels just like all of us, but in terms of an innocent feeling, full of purity and freshness of the childhood. The same feeling each of us lived as being in love for the first time, even if nobody remembers it anymore! All things good and nice, but you know what they say: friends are alike, and this is true every time! Here it, the best friend of our boy is also in love… you guessed! In love with the same little girl! They are friends, isn't it? Thy have the same taste and feelings!
My girlfriend, noticing what was happening, she took the situation very seriously, because otherwise it could not be, without hurting the feelings little man. She was seeing him having good and not so good days, some days he was absent, in some melancholic, during others he was overflowing with joy and enthusiasm. Huh, it’s like this when in love: the mood depends on evolution of the love relationship. Until one day, when he came home and announced her that he needs another schoolbag. A bigger one! Why? He already had one of the biggest schoolbags from the class! Simple, the little boy needed a bigger schoolbag in order to take the Jedi light saber at school - both parents love Star Wars, so the kid…you probably understand! The Jedi light saber at school??? What for? Because the next day the decisive battle is going to take place!!! Mommy's already stunned! She doesn’t understand a bit! What light saber, what battle! The battle of Yoda versus Darth Vader, two characters from the Star Wars, symbolizing the good and the evil. Meaning, the next day, each of the two rivals was supposed to take theirs light sabers at school and to fight the final battle. In the end, the winner was to be entitled to conquer the young lady.
Incidentally, no one asked her what she thought of that matter, although it would have been useful and there would have been no need for the "decisive battle". But this is another story! Finally, no one went to school with a light saber (the mother of the other boy was contacted too), but the battle did took place ... symbolically. I mean a kind of running among the desks from the classroom.
At the end, each boy concluded that he was the real winner and of course the little lady will give, in the future, the due attention.
At least this was the conclusion that the two Jedi knights communicated to their mothers - impatient and easily stressed by the situation. In the days that followed, our young hero suddenly became interested even by the after-school program that he attended and who wanted to abandon at a certain time. And you know why? Because the parents of the “love of his life” just enrolled the little girl to the same after-school!
From his point of view, everybody is happy now.....only the little lady couldn't be contacted in order to present her point of view.
Thanks to our friend Dana for sharing with us this lovely story!
Such a cute story and I could feel myself being
ReplyDeletedrawn into the school. And so my questions all
of these years later what happened to them?
Thank you for understanding exactly our feelings about childhood and all the experiences related to that period!
DeleteSweet story, a great read. Can't wait to see what your next post brings :)
ReplyDeleteThank you and yes, follow us, we will return with new and interesting stories!
DeleteI really enjoyed reading this! Such a sweet story and very well written. I guess love is in the air everywhere! Love has no perfect timing, no place and no age! It just happens and changes everything. Sometimes it makes things better, sometimes worse. But love conquers all at the end! :)
Thank you for appreciation and your nice words! Yes, love is one of the most powerful energies in the universe! So similar with the force that surround us in Star Wars!
DeleteI love a good story of love! This was so cute, and very trusting!
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading us and please, follow us, we promise to write always good and interesting stories!
DeleteAww such a cute story. I really enjoy kiddies and their stories. They're super cute and innovative. This post just remind me of my school :D
ReplyDeleteThanks for the nice words! Indeed kids stories are very cute and deep!
DeleteI'm amazed by this story so well written and sweet we all need to read a good love story once in a while. I can't wait to read more from you. x
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your comment. Follow us, we promise to write always good and interesting stories about different interesting subjects!