Tuesday 19 April 2016

 15:38:00         2 comments

 Growing old beautifully

Growing, old, beautifully,
Cand spunem ca ne dorim sa imbatranim frumos, sa ne indreptam spre a doua parte a vietii noastre cu gratie, ne gandim mai degraba la a ne proteja sanatatea, la a ne pastra silueta, la mobilitate, la reducerea ridurilor si la multe alte lucruri care au legatura cu frumusetea exterioara. Dar neglijam prea mult, nedrept de mult, faptul ca adevarata frumusete si gratie la orice varsta vin din echilibrul interior, din mobilitatea mintii si din experientele de viata. La ce ne-ar folosi experienta si invatarea acumulate pe tot parcursul unei vieti, daca nu pentru a oferi celor din jur imaginea unei persoane intelepte, echilibrate, care are multe de transmis, care ne poate invata pe toti ca suferinta si bucuriile deopotriva se pot transforma in poezie?

Avem norocul sa intalnim in viata oameni diversi, cu preocupari de toate felurile. Dar numai cei cu adevarat speciali ies din rand si ne raman mereu in inima si in minte, ca modele. Acei oameni extraordinari, care au luat obstacolele vietii in piept doar pentru a spori frumusetea lumii prin gandurile lor. Acele ganduri care fac diferenta si care ne invata. Ne invata sa traim cu maxima intensitate si sa invatam cum sa intoarcem fiecare experienta de viata in favoarea noastra. Adica sa intelegem lectia fiecarei zile, pentru a trai mai frumos.

O vorba romaneasca spune ca “Omul cat traieste invata”. Iar cei care au ceva de spus, ajung pana la urma sa transmita preaplinul din sufletele lor. La varsta la care alte persoane se gandesc la retragere pe toate fronturile, pentru ca lupta cu sine si cu altii i-a obosit, poeta Constanta Popescu ne invata, cu prospetime si curaj, ca putem fi prinsi in “Capcana cuvintelor”, ca lacrimile pot fi rescrise (“Lacrimi rescrise”) sau ca uneori ne facem “Vinovati de nemurire”. Pana nu demult, ea nu a fost poeta decat in suflet. Iar cand sufletul ei s-a linistit, a decis ca trebuie sa imparta cu noi aceasta bucurie. Bucuria de a trai cu intensitate si cu sens, la orice varsta.
Pe doamna Constanta Popescu o puteti regasi pe Facebook.
Fotografiile sunt publicate cu acordul autoarei. 

                                             - ENGLISH VERSION -
 Growing, old, beautifully,
When we say that we want to age beautifully, to head towards the second part of our life with grace, we think rather to protect our health, to keep our figure, our mobility, to reduce wrinkles and many other things related to outer beauty. But we neglect too much and wrongly, the fact that the true beauty and grace at any age come from the inner balance, from the mobility of mind and from life experiences. What we would use the experience and learning gained throughout a lifetime, if not to provide the people around us the image of a wise and balanced person that has many things to transmit, and which can teach us all that both suffering and joys can turn into poetry?

We are fortunate in life to meet various people with interests of all kinds. But only those really special are coming out of the line and they always remain in our heart and mind, as models. Those extraordinary people who confront the obstacles of life only to enhance the beauty of the world through their thoughts. Those thoughts that make the difference and that teach us. Teach us to live with maximum intensity and learn how to turn every experience of life in our favor. Meaning to understand the everyday lesson, in order to live a better life. They say that “The more I live, the more I learn”. And those who have something to say, arrive eventually to convey the overflow of their hearts.

At the age when others are thinking about retirement on every front, exhausted to fight with herself and the others, the poetess Constanta Popescu teaches us with freshness and courage, that we can be caught in the "Trap of words", that tears can be rewritten ("Tears rewritten") or that we can be sometimes "Guilty of immortality". Until recently, she was a poetess only in her soul. And when her soul became peaceful, she decided to share with us this joy. The joy of living with intensity and purpose, at any age.

You can find Mrs. Constanta Popescu on Facebook. 
The photos are published with the author's permission.


  1. That was a very well written post, I feel as though you spoke eloquently about living and learning. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you for the appreciation! Follow us for more interesting stories about exceptional people!





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