Thursday 21 April 2016

 23:29:00         33 comments

Children and nature – part two

Children, and, nature,

Copiii si natura – partea a doua
Melci, rame si flori in pericol? Nu-i panica, man! Vine echipa de salvare!
Ieri a plouat! A plouat de parca s-a spart cerul si toata apa aia multa a navalit pe pamant! Curgeau pe strazi paraiase de apa destul de adanci cat sa treaca de glezne, iar udatul picioarelor era garantat,
daca nu erai incaltat cu cizme. Insa, pe langa disconfortul creat de valurile de apa care au inundat orasul, pentru cine avea timp si chef sa observe, se intampla ceva minunat: natura exploda de bucurie! Pai, cum sa nu se bucure, cu atata apa binefacatoare?! Venind spre casa cu baiatul meu, practic croindu-ne drum printre siroaiele de apa, vedem in apropierea blocului, pe aleea care margineste o frumoasa gradina plina de flori, cativa melci rataciti si cateva rame care se bucurau de pamantul moale, de florile si frunzele ude si de umezeala generalizata! Adica, daca esti tu, melc, sau tu, rama, ce ar putea fi mai frumos decat o ploaie in averse, intr-o zi de primavara, cu verdeata luxurianta?! Si ii spun puiului: “Hai sa luam melcii acestia sa ii punem inapoi in gradina, pentru ca daca raman in alee, vine cineva neatent si calca pe ei!”. Pustiul bucuros intelege mesajul si iata-ne strangand melcii cu o mana, in timp ce cu cealalta tinem umbrelele, ca sa ne adapostim de ploaie. In fine, terminam activitatea, mergem acasa, dar puiul se fixase: “Mami, daca mai sunt si alti melci si alte rame in aceasta situatie? Daca au nevoie de ajutor?”. Ok, zic, ne odihnim putin si mergem in parc in misiune de salvare. Zis si facut! 
Ne echipam de ploaie – geci, glugi, pantaloni de fas si cizme de cauciuc plus umbrele si plecam spre parc in cautare de rame si melci in pericol. Am intrat in parc si ce sa va spun?! Era ca in padurea tropicala, avalansa de iarba, frunze si flori! Mirosea a pamant ud, a iarba proaspat cosita si a flori! Minune de seara de primavara! Bineinteles, parcul era pustiu, numai echipa de salvare strabatea aleile in cautare de aventura! Initial, niciun melc, nicio rama. Pana cand baiatul meu vede flori…multe flori, mai ales de castan, pe care vantul si ploaia le rupsesera din pomi. “Mami, mami, florile acestea sunt in suferinta, trebuie sa le salvam! Trebuie sa le adapostim la noi acasa!” Si asa am facut! Am umplut o umbrela cu toate florile pe care le-am gasit! Minunata aventura! Apoi, indreptandu-ne spre zona cu gradini, am gasit si mult cautatii melci si rame, pe care i-am ajutat sa se adaposteasca printre frunze sau in gaurile subterane. Se lasase seara, eram uzi si inghetaseram, dar inimile noastre bateau cu bucurie si caldura: “Da, mami, am facut o fapta buna azi!”. Sigur, puiul meu, am facut o fapta buna si am avut o aventura pe care ne-o vom aminti amandoi, peste ani.
 Mai mult decat toate locurile de joaca, piesele de teatru si filmele vazute in 3D. Ne vom aduce aminte de o frumoasa si ploioasa seara de primavara, cand am strabatut aleile in misiune de salvare a celor fara aparare, pana cand am inghetat. Am terminat frumos seara, cu o baie calda si o vizionare de film, in compania unui castron de floricele. In bucatarie, florile de castan se bucurau de confortul unor vase cu apa proaspata, de caldura si de dragoste! La adapost!

                              - ENGLISH VERSION -

It rained yesterday! It rained like the sky was broken and all the water from the sky invaded the earth! The water streams were running down the street, deep enough to cross the ankles and the feet watering was guaranteed, if not wearing rain boots. However, besides the discomfort caused by waves of water that flooded the city, for those having the time and the mood to observe, something wonderful was happening: the nature exploding with joy! Well, how not to enjoy with so much bracing water?! Coming home with my son, basically plowing our way through the water streams, we happen to see next to our building, on the alley that borders a beautiful garden full of flowers, a few snails misguided and some rain worms who enjoyed the soft earth, the wet flowers and leaves, and generalized moisture! I mean, if you are a snail, or you are a rain worm, what could be nicer than a rain in showers, in a spring day with lush green?! And tell my baby: "Let's take these snails and put them back in the garden, because if they remain in the alley, someone careless could come and step on them." Happy, my kid understands the message and here we are gathering snails with one hand, while with the other we were keeping the umbrellas as shelter for the rain. Finally, we finished our work and went home, but my boy remained fixed on the idea: "Mommy, if there are some other snails or rain worms in this situation? If they need our help? ". Ok, I say, we get some rest and go to the park in rescue mission. Said and done! 
So, well equipped for rain with jackets, hoods, rain trousers and rubber boots plus umbrellas, we start our mission in the park - to search and rescue snails and rain worms in danger. We entered the park and…what can I say?! It was like a rain forest, an overflow of grass, leaves and flowers! It was a smell of wet earth, of freshly mowed grass and of flowers! An evening spring miracle! Of course, the park was deserted, only the rescue team was crossing the alleyways in search of the adventure! At first, no snail, no rain worm! Until my boy sees flowers ... many flowers, especially from the chestnut tree, downed by the wind and rain. 
"Mommy, mommy, these flowers are in distress, we must save them! We have to shelter them in our home!" And so we did! We filled up an umbrella with all the flowers we could find! A wonderful adventure! Then, heading for the gardens, we have found the so much wanted snails and rain worms, which we kindly helped to find shelter among the leaves or in underground holes. It was already evening, and we were wet and frozen, but our hearts were pounding of joy and warmth: "Yes, Mommy, we did something good today." Sure, my son, we did something good and we had an adventure that we will remember both, through the years. More than all the playgrounds, the theater plays and the 3D movies. We will remember a beautiful and rainy spring evening, when we crossed the alleyways in the rescue of the defenseless, until we have frozen. We have nicely finished the evening with a warm bath and watching a cartoon movie, with a bowl of popcorn. In the kitchen, the chestnut tree flowers were enjoying the comfort of fresh water vases, the warmth and the love! At shelter!


  1. haha love that you included the english section, beautiful post!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Thank you for your appreciation! Yes, we want to translate all the articles, it is easier for everybody to read!

  2. Ah a cute day, and story! Your child must have enjoyed it so much!

    1. It was a great day, and my child was very happy!

  3. love how you did this in english as as well. Thanks for sharing

    1. It is a pleasure to share this, and we will try to translate everything in English!

  4. your post is wonderful, and to have included the english version for we the ones who dont understand the default language makes me want to visit your blog again... thnks for sharing..

    1. By all means, please, visit us again! We will translate all the articles from now on!

  5. lovely story and sounds like so much fun for your child! the small moments are the best ones.

    1. Yes, we were very happy and we had a lot of fun!

  6. Loved the story thanks for English version.

    1. You're welcome! Thank you for reading us!

  7. Great read, I love anything to do with nature too!

    1. We enjoy nature no matter the wetter! Nature is a miracle and we have to cherish it every day!

  8. Oh the day sounds so wonderful! Your kid must've enjoyed it a lot :-)

    <3: Jasmin N |

    1. Yes, it was very funny and we enjoyed the nature at its best!

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you, follow us for more interesting stories!

  10. Very sweet of you! :) And a nice lesson for kids to learn to care about all living creatures. Lovely!

    1. Yes, it is important for children to learn at a little age to respect all the living creatures! It is a part of the education!

  11. Such a cute story - I am glad you and your son had a great day

    1. Thank you! Follow us for more interesting and nice stories!

  12. What a lovely read! Nature is such a wonderful thing - glad to see hear you're enjoying it!

    Rosie |

    1. Thank you, we will tell more interesting stories! Follow us!

  13. This is wonderful, nature is amazing and it's great to see your children enjoying playing outside etc.


    1. Playing outside in one of our favorite activities! We will return with more interesting stories about outdoor activities!

  14. Quality time like that will always be remembered! ❤️

    1. Yes, I try to do my best regarding the quality time with my son!

  15. It's raining in my town too, but not that much. I don't like being outside when it's raining, but I live revival of nature when it happens. I love going outside just after it's rained, so we can still see all the colors poping and feel the smell. Nice pictures. And you kid seems adorable.

    1. Thank you for appreciation and understanding! Please visit us again, for new and interesting stories!





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