Friday 29 April 2016

 10:01:00         21 comments

Raw Pasca 

Raw, Pasca,

Un desert plin de semnificatii Pasca  
Pasca este unul dintre elementele principale ale mesei traditionale de Paste, alaturi de ouale rosii, friptura de miel si drob.
In mod traditional, pasca este un cozonac in forma rotuda, semnificand bolta cereasca si promisiunea invierii si a vietii vesnice. Faptul ca aluatul este dulce semnifica implinirea sufleteasca ce urmeaza stradaniei din post. Pasca si cozonacii se prepara in mod traditional in Joia Mare sau in Sambata Mare. In noaptea de Inviere, credinciosii duc la biserica aceste preparate traditionale, pline de semnificatii spirituale, pentru a fi sfintite. Prin stropirea cu vin, pasca devine ritualic o reprezentare a jertfei Mantuitorului. La sfarsitul slujbei de Inviere, preotul imparte credinciosilor bucatile de pasca stropita cu aghiazma, care sunt duse acasa si pastrate pentru a-i face pe oameni partasii binecuvantarii lui Dumnezeu. Traditia spune ca aceste bucatele de pasca au puterea de a alunga bolile si necazurile, semnificand sacrificiul lui Iisus Hristos.

Prin traditie, pasca se prepara in forma rotunda si este ornata in mijloc cu o cruce, iar pe margine, cu doua fasii de coca rasucite, intruchipand coroana de spini a lui Hristos.

Pentru ca este atat de incarcata de semnificatii, este recomandat ca pasca sa fie preparata de o persoana care s-a pregatit spiritual, prin rugaciuni, pentru Sarbatoarea Pastelui. Conform retetelor traditionale, pasca se face din aluat de cozonac umplut cu un amestec de branza dulce, oua, stafide, zahar. Dar, pe langa reteta traditionala, gospodinele au creat noi retete, la fel de gustoase. Va propun in continuare una dintre retetele mai putin obisnuite, pastrata in familia mea si pe care mama o face in fiecare an.

Pasca cruda

1 kg de branza de vaci
150 gr. de zahar
1 pachet de unt (la temperatura camerei)
2 plicuri de zahar vanilat
3-4 galbenusuri
2 albusuri
50 gr. stafide inmuiate in coniac (se pun cu o zi inainte)
1 cana de nuca macinata
1 lingura de cacao

Mod de pregatire.

Se pun toate ingredientele (mai putin un albus, stafidele si lingura de cacao) intr-un vas si se amesteca pana se omogenizeaza compozitia.

Se ia un sfert din compozitia obtinuta si se pune intr-un alt vas. Peste aceasta compozitie, se pune lingura de cacao si albusul batut spuma.

Peste compozitia fara cacao (compozitia alba) se adauga stafidele.

Se ia un vas sau o tava de cozonac, se unge cu unt si apoi se aseaza compozitia dupa cum unrmeaza: un strat de compozitie alba, apoi cea cu cacao si la final inca un alt strat de compozitie alba. Se pune la frigider pentru ca nuca macinata sa se umfle.

                           - ENGLISH VERSION -

Pasca - a desert full of meanings

Pasca is one of the main elements of traditional Easter meal, along with the red eggs, the roast lamb and drob (lamb tripe cooked in the oven with sping onion, green garlic, dill, parsley and eggs).
Traditionally, pasca is a sponge cake in round shape, signifying the sky and the promise of the resurrection and the eternal life. The fact that the dough is sweet represents the fulfillment of soul following the fastening period. Pasca and the sponge cakes are prepared traditionally in the Holy Thursday or Easter Saturday. On the night of Easter, the Christians bring to the church these traditional deserts, full of spiritual significance, to be sanctified. By the sprinkling with wine, pasca becomes the ritualistic representation of the sacrifice of the Savior. At the end of the Easter Mass, the priest shares to the faithful pasca pieces sprinkled with holy water that are taken home and stored to make people partakers of God's blessings. The tradition says that these pieces of Pasca have the power to banish diseases and sorrows, signifying the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Traditionally, pasca is cooked in a round shape and is decorated with a cross in the middle and on the edge, with two strips of dough twisted, symbolizing Christ's crown of thorns.

Because it is so full of meaning, it is recommended that pasca to be cooked by a person who was prepared spiritually through prayer for the celebration of Easter. According to the traditional recipes, pasca is made of sponge cake dough with a mixture of cheese, eggs, raisins, sugar in the middle. But besides the traditional recipe, the housewives have created new recipes, just as tasty. I propose to you further one of these unusual recipes, maintained in my family and made by my mother every year.

Raw Pasca

1 kg of cottage cheese
150 gr. sugar
1 package of butter (at room temperature)
2 sachets of vanilla sugar
3-4 egg yolks
2 egg whites
50 gr. raisins soaked in brandy (put them the day before)
1 cup of ground nuts
1 tbsp. of cocoa
Method of preparation.
Place all ingredients (except one of the egg whites, the raisins and the tbsp. of cocoa) in a bowl and stir until mixture is smooth.
Raw, Pasca,

Take a quarter of the composition obtained and put it in another bowl. Over this composition put the tablespoon of cocoa and the egg whites well whipped. Over the composition without cocoa (the white composition), add the raisins.
Take a bowl or cake pan, grease with butter and then put the composition as follows: a layer of white composition, then the composition with cocoa and finally another layer of white composition. Place the bowl or cake pan in the refrigerator to allow the nuts to swell.


  1. This is interesting. I love learning new dishes, especially ones with a history to them or an interesting story. Thanks for sharing this, girl! <3

    1. Thank you for the appreciation. You should try this desert!

  2. This is so cool. I've never heard of Pasca, but I'm glad to learn about a new dish. The history is even more intriguing. I think my favorite ingredient is the Cocoa..haha

    1. Thank you! You should try different kind of Pasca, It is really a great desert!

  3. This is very interesting! Love new food ideas!

    1. Thank you for the appreciation. we will return with new an interesting ideas!

  4. Thank you for sharing your receipt of traditional dish :) I've never heard about it! Nice to leaner about new food culture

    1. Thank you! Follow us and you will learn some more about Romanian traditional dishes!

  5. Yum! This looks great. Thanks for sharing your recipie! xxx

    1. Yes, indeed! It is a great desert, delicious and full of meanings!

  6. Love trying new recipes. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you too! It is our pleasure to share this with you!

  7. Loved this! I have to save this for later to try it out:-)

    <3: Jasmin N

    1. Thank you for the appreciation! Follow us and you will receive all kind of recipes of Romanian traditional dishes!

  8. Ooooh this sounds delicious! I want to try to make it this weekend!

    1. It is our pleasure to have this kind appreciation from you! Thank you!

  9. Seems to be yum! Nice recipe.

    1. Yes, it is! Hope you will enjoy this great desert!

  10. I love the ones my mom makes!

  11. I like to learn new dishes from other country. This recipe sounds divine. I would love to give it a try.

  12. Never had heard of it before. Always love learning about new recipes for food.





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