Tuesday 22 March 2016

 17:08:00         12 comments

Pasi de urmat pentru organizarea unui eveniment

Pasi, de urmat, pentru, organizarea, unui, eveniment,

Pasi de urmat pentru organizarea unui eveniment

Nu va speriati de titlul in engleza, nu urmeza sa citam din cine stie ce “guru” al organizatorilor de evenimente! Si asta pentru ca nu e nevoie “decat” de cativa ani (buni) de experienta pentru a duce la bun sfarsit un eveniment – de familie sau de alt fel, avand la dispozitie “cantitati” limitate sau foarte limitate din doua “ingrediente” esentiale: timpul si banii! Si pentru ca experienta si diversitatea evenimentelor (nunti, petreceri de copii, botezuri, evenimente corporatiste, conferinte etc.) deja organizate nu ne lipsesc, ne-ar face placere sa va oferim cateva sugestii, pentru eventualitatea in care veti avea vreodata nevoie. In continuare vom vorbi despre organizarea unei nunti/cununie civila si/sau botez.
Daca in cazul nuntii, evenimentul poate fi planificat in avans (de cele mai multe ori), in cazul botezului, parintii copilului amana planificarea pana dupa nasterea acestuia. Si bine fac! Intai trebuie sa ne asiguram ca totul decurge conform asteptarilor si apoi sa ne apucam sa facem planuri de orice fel. Ca sa nu mai spun ca si nuntile pot fi neasteptate, atunci cand dragostea te loveste in moalele capului si nu mai ai rabdare sa se elibereze nu stiu ce salon fitos unde ai fost tu la nunta si ti-a placut!
Asadar, oricat am fi de profesionisti si pregatiti sa planificam neprevazutul, uneori ne trezim ca trebuie sa organizam un eveniment in timp scurt si cu buget redus. Si care vrem sa iasa nu bine, ci foarte bine! Iata ce avem de facut:
- Identificam locul/locurile de desfasurare a evenimentului (in jargonul organizatorilor de evenimente se numeste locatie si il folosim toti ca atare, desi in limba romana de dictionar are alte sensuri) – restaurant, respectiv, sala de evenimente, biserica sau oficiu de stare civila, dupa caz;
- Verificam disponibilitatea acestora (corelata, daca dorim sa avem disponibilitate pentru aceeasi zi la restaurant, respectiv, biserica). Evident, ar trebui sa fie corelate si orele, iar distantele intre cele doua obiective sa nu fie mari, bine ar fi sa existe si legaturi directe. Nu este deloc placut sa-i facem pe invitati sa piarda timpul, sa umble brambura prin oras sau sa ne astepte in picioare, pana reusim noi sa ajungem de la o locatie la alta;
- Foarte important: alegerea locatiei tine si de buget, nu doar de cele mentionate mai sus. Deci, daca locatia e disponibila, discutam meniul cu un responsabil/manager, atunci cand e vorba de restaurant/firma de catering, sau intrebam care este pretul ceremoniei, daca este vorba de biserica;
- Actele necesare: Ne informam ce acte sunt necesare pentru biserica si/sau cununia civila, facem o lista si ne ocupam cat mai repede de pregatirea acestora. Rugam o persoana de incredere sa aiba grija de lista si eventual de setul de documente. Noi suntem ocupati cu organizarea intregului eveniment si e bine sa apelam la cei apropiati, pentru ajutor;
- Invitatiile: Imediat ce avem confirmarea locatiei, ne ocupam de invitatii. Facem o lista (scrisa, nu mentala!!!) si rugam pe cineva apropiat sa o verifice. Mare atentie, sa nu uitam pe cineva important! E foarte posibil, dat fiind ca nici proaspetii parinti, nici proaspetii indragostiti nu prea au mintile “acasa”! Fara gluma! Gata lista de invitati (cel putin preliminara), cautam un model de invitatie. Repede! Daca nu e disponibil modelul vietii si visurilor noastre, ori realizam propriul model la noi acasa, pe laptop, PC sau ce mai avem, ori luam modelul cel mai apropiat de dorinta noastra si gata! E FOARTE IMPORTANT sa distribuim invitatiile repede. Avem timp putin! Politicos este sa distribuim invitatiile personal, dar daca timpul nu ne permite, putem apela si la membri de familie, rude, prieteni. De asemenea, o alta solutie pentru situatia in care suntem grabiti sau avem multe invitatii de distribuit, este sa stabilim un loc de intalnire – restaurant, cafenea, terasa, parc etc, unde ne putem intalni cu mai multe persoane in simultan. Nu uitati sa specificati pe invitatie locatia/locatiile cu adrese sau link-uri utile, orele de incepere a ceremoniei si/sau petrecerii si mai ales termenul limita pana la care primiti confirmari. De asemenea, vom lasa unul sau mai multe numere de telefon de contact, eventual, o adresa de e-mail;
- Selectare/achizitionare marturii, flori, tort: Intrucat si acestea sunt importante, chiar foarte importante, trebuie alese “pe mustata” ca sa fie in ton cu tema nuntii/botezului. Tortul trebuie sa fie si frumos, dar si gustos. Ideal este sa aranjam sa fie livrat direct la restaurant, de catre furnizor, fara costuri suplimentare;
- Petrecerea propriu-zisa: Gata, am distribuit invitatiile, avem locatia, meniul, ok! Cum organizam petrecerea propriu – zisa? Depinde de ceea ce ne dorim, noi vom avea in vedere un exemplu, urmand ca fiecare sa se adapteze dupa propria placere si imaginatie. Sa zicem ca ne dorim o petrecere de seara, pe muzica unui DJ si cu decoratiuni & tort asortate, avand o anumita tema. Putem alege ca tema evenimentului sa fie o floare, o culoare, un personaj. Urmand tema aleasa, avem grija ca totul sa se potriveasca, daca se poate, chiar si playlist-ul, cel putin anumite pasaje;
- Foto/video: Daca dorim sa avem inregistrare video sau fotografii, este bine sa angajam cat se poate de repede o persoana (de preferat doua!!!) care sa se ocupe de aceste aspecte! Doua sfaturi: oricat de priceputi sunt cunoscutii, prietenii sau rudele la fotografii sau inregistrari video, mai bine angajati pe cineva de meserie. Si da, aceasta persoana sau firma ar trebui sa fie RECOMANDATA sau validata in vreun fel! De seriozitatea si profesionalismul acestei persoane depind amintirile legate de eveniment (ma rog, in afara de cele din suflet!);
- Tinute: Sa zicem ca ce este mai important a fost stabilit, iar acum este momentul sa ne gandim la tinute. E clar ca unele dintre aceste etape se pot suprapune, adica in momentul in care decidem asupra temei evenimentului, sa avem deja in vedere o anumita tinuta, de obicei a miresei sau a bebelusului care urmeaza sa fie botezat. Este recomandat sa fim atenti ca tinutele personajelor principale care participa la eveniment sa fie in acelasi ton. Cand spunem “ton” nu ne referim strict la culoare, dar trebuie totusi sa fie in culori din aceeasi familie, complementare sau potrivite cumva, sa aiba acelasi stil si sa se si potriveasca persoanei/persoanelor respective. Este valabil si pentru machiaje, coafuri, totul trebuie sa se armonizeze;
- Coafor/make-up: Daca ne-am asigurat ca toata lumea are tinutele procurate sau cel putin comandate (sau in paralel) putem face programarile la coafor, machiaj, cosmetica si alte servicii pe care le consideram necesare;
- Confirmari: Se apropie termenul limita, asa incat trebuie sa luam confirmarile. Nu va suparati daca nu veti primi confirmari pana la acea data, sunteti iubiti si apreciati, doar ca lumea e ocupata si…nu prea confirma! Aveti mare grija cum obtineti confirmarile: e bine sa punctati ca o prietenie rezista mai bine unui refuz decat unei absente (nemotivate sau motivate aiurea) si de ultim moment!
- Intalnire de lucru: Inainte de eveniment cu cateva zile, organizati o mica “intalnire de lucru” cu cei implicati in organizarea evenimentului, parcurgeti impreuna lista intocmita, verificati daca aveti toate datele de contact, reluati legatura cu furnizorii (toti!!!), distribuiti sarcini, sigur nu veti putea face siguri tot ce trebuie.
Daca veti urma sfaturile de mai sus, sigur veti economisi timp! In ceea ce priveste bugetul, cu cat va veti implica mai mult voi si/sau cei apropiati (sa va creati propriile invitatii, marturii, decoratiuni, accesorii, tinute), cu atat veti economisi mai multi bani. Aveti grija si la meniu, e loc de negocieri!!! Incercati sa lucrati cu o echipa foto & video, sa va faca un “pachet”! Cautati un DJ verificat/recomandat si eventual cu preturi convenabile. De asemenea, e important pentru bunul mers al petrecerii sa aveti muzica foarte buna spre exceptionala. Cum putem concilia aceste doua aspecte? Cautand un DJ pasionat, talentat, dar la inceput de cariera! Sau care colaboreaza, de regula, cu restaurantul sau cu una dintre celelalte persoane implicate - fotograf, cameraman, decorator etc.
Va dorim mult succes si va invitam sa ne urmariti postarile. Vom reveni asupra acestui subiect!

                       - ENGLISH VERSION -

Steps to follow to organize an event

Do not worry the title in English, not going to quote from who knows what "guru" of the event organizers! And that's because all you need is "only" a few years of experience to carry out an event - family or otherwise, having limited or very limited "quantities" of two essential "ingredients": time and money! And because the experience and diversity of events (weddings, children, christenings, corporate events, conferences, etc.) already organized we are not missing, we'd like to offer you some suggestions for the event that you will ever need. Next we will talk about organizing a wedding / civil wedding and / or baptism.
If for a wedding, the event can be planned in advance (most often), for baptism, the child's parents postpone the planning until after his/her birth. And is good the parent do like this! First we need to ensure that everything goes as expected and then we start to make plans of any kind. Not to say that weddings too can be unexpected when love hits you upside the head and no longer have the patience to release I do not know what fancy salon where you were at a wedding and you liked it!
So, no matter how professionals or prepared we are to plan the unpredictable, sometimes we find ourselves in the position to organize an event in a short time and with low budget. And we want not to do it good, but very good! Here's what we have to do:
- Identify the place/places of the event (in the event organizers slang called location and we all use it as such, although in Romanian Dictionary has other meanings) - restaurant, respectively, event hall, church or civil office, depending on the case;
- Check the location availability (correlated, if we want to have availability for the same day at the restaurant and church). Obviously, the hours should be correlated and the distances between the two objectives should not be big, it would be better to be direct links. It is not nice to make the guests waste their time, to walk around the town or to wait for us, until we finally arrive from one location to another;
- Very important: choosing the location also involves your budget, not only what we mentioned above. So if location is available, we discuss the menu with the responsible person/ manager when it comes to restaurant / caterer, or we are asking what is the price for the ceremony, if we are talking about the church;
- Necessary documents: We ask what the necessary documents are for the church and/or civil ceremony, make a list and we take care as soon as possible to gather them. We ask a reliable person to take care of the list and eventually the set of documents. We are too busy with the organization of the entire event and it is better to turn to the loved ones for help;
- Invitations: As soon as we have the confirmation of the location, we take care of the invitations. Make a list (written, not mental!!!) and ask someone close to check it. Be careful, not to forget someone important! It is very likely, given that either any new parents or the recent lovers not have “at home" their minds! No kidding! Ready the guest list (at least preliminary), we are looking for an invitation model. Hurry! If it is not available the model of our life and dreams, either we make at home our own model, on the laptop, PC or what we have or we buy the model closest to our desire and that's it! It's very important to quickly distribute invitations. We have little time! Polite is to distribute personally the invitations, but if time does not permit us, we can call help to family members, relatives, friends. Also, another solution for the situation that we are in a hurry or have many invitations to give, is to establish a meeting place - restaurant, terrace, park etc., where we can meet with more people simultaneously. Do not forget to specify on the invitation the location/locations with addresses and useful links, hours of commencement of the ceremony and/or the party and especially the deadline to receive the confirmations. We will also let one or several contact phone numbers, possibly an e-mail address;
- Select / purchase testimonials, flowers, cake: Because these are important too, even very important, must be chosen "on the mustache" to be in tune with the theme of the wedding / baptism. The cake must also be beautiful, but also tasty. Ideally is to arrange to have it delivered directly to the restaurant by the supplier at no extra cost;
- The party itself: Okay, we distributed invitations; we have location, menu, ok! How we organize the party? Depending on what we want, we will have in mind an example, following that everyone will adjust according to his/hers own pleasure and imagination. Let's say we want an evening party, on the music of a DJ and with assorted decorations & cake, with a particular theme. We can choose that the theme of the event to be a flower, a color, a character. Following the chosen theme, we make sure that everything fits, if possible, even the playlist, at least certain passages;
- Photo / video: If we want to have video recording or photographs, it is better to hire as soon as possible a person (preferably two!!!) to deal with these issues! Two tips: no matter how skilled are acquaintances, friends or relatives to make photos or videos, you better hire someone for the job. And yes, this person or company should be recommended or validated in any way! The seriousness and professionalism of this person depend your memories regarding the event (well, except the memories from your heart!);
- Outfits: Let's say that what is most important has been set, and now is the time to think about the outfits. It's clear that some of these stages may overlap, like when deciding on the theme of the event, to have already have in mind a certain outfit, usually of the bride or of the baby to be baptized. It is recommended to be careful that the outfits of the main characters attending the event to be in the same tune. When we say "tune" we not refer strictly to the color, but it must be in the same family of colors, complementary or matching somehow, to have the same style and to be fit for the person / persons concerned. Same goes for makeup, hairstyles, everything must match;
- Hairdresser / make-up: If we made sure that everyone has the outfits purchased or ordered (or in parallel) we can make appointments at the hairdresser, make-up artist, cosmetics and other services that we consider necessary;
- Confirmations: deadline is approaching, so we must take the confirmations. You do not mind if you do not receive confirmation until that date, you are loved and appreciated, just think the people are too busy and ... not confirm! Take extra care how you take confirmations: it's good to point out that a friendship better withstand a refusal than an absence (unexcused or a stupid excuse) and in last minute!
- Working meeting: a few days before the event, organize a small "working meeting" with those involved in organizing the event, follow along compiled list, check that you have all the contact information, call again the suppliers (all !!!), distribute tasks, for sure you can certainly not do everything alone.
If you will follow the tips above, you will certainly save time! Regarding the budget, as much as you will involve and/or your loved ones (creating your own invitations, testimonials, decorations, accessories, outfits), the more money you will save. Take care at the menu too, there is room for negotiation!!! Try to work with a photo&video team, to make for you an offer for the "package"! Looking for a verified / recommended DJ and if possibly with good prices. It is also important for the good of the party to have very good to exceptional music. How can we reconcile these two aspects? Looking for a passionate, talented, but just getting started DJ! Or collaborating with the restaurant or with one of the other people involved - photographer, cameraman, decorator, etc.

We wish you much success and we invite you to follow our posts. We will come back to this topic!


  1. What a helpful event planning post! Thanks for the excellent work

    1. Thank you for appreciation and please, follow us, we will return with other interesting articles.

  2. Very helpful tips, I'm about to conduct a graduation party for my husband and I'll keep your tips in mind. Thanks.

    1. Very nice! Follow the steps and everything will be just fine! Good luck!

  3. Helpful post! Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you too, it's our pleasure to share this with you!

  4. Very comprehensive information in this post. Thank you

    1. Thanks you for commenting. I hope our advice will help you sometime in the future!

  5. Some great things to consider when planning a event.

    1. Thanks you for reading. I hope our advice will help you sometime in the future! Keep following us for more advice on event planning!





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