Tuesday 29 March 2016

 20:07:00         16 comments

Enjoy life, love dogs and cherish true, unconditionally friendship!

 Cu multi ani in urma, pe cand eram si eu mai tinerica, am devenit fericita posesoare a unei alte cateluse minunate, pe numele ei Nasture. A gasit-o mama pe strada sau mai exact ea a gasit-o pe mama. Era un puiut de caine, rasa “canis maidanis”, alb cu pete negre, insa ceea ce era haios la ea era pata neagra pe care o avea fix pe crestetul capului, era insemnata, ce mai! Datorita acelei pete mici negre, i-am pus si numele – Nasture. Dar sa incepem cu inceputul.
Era o zi calduroasa de iunie, cand
mama, venind spre casa, a vazut aceasta catelusa. La vremea respectiva, mama nu si-a dat seama ca e fetita si cand a vazut pata pe care o avea pe cap i-a spus “Ce faci mai Nasturel?”…..atat i-a trebuit catelusei, ca din acel moment nu a mai parasit-o pe mama si a urmat-o pana acasa. Vazand-o cat e de micuta si jigarita, ce s-a gandit mama, hai sa o iau un pic in casa, sa ii dam ceva de mancare si putina apa. Va dati seama, ca n-am mai scapat! Primul lucru pe care l-a facut cand a intrat, a fost sa se urce in varful canapelei si din acel moment nu a mai iesit din casa noastra, desi noi mai aveam un caine in acel moment.Tata nu era acasa, era intr-o delegatie in afara tarii. Daca eu, impreuna cu fratele meu si mama mea am hotarat sa oprim catelul, ne gandeam deja cum sa il convingem si pe tata cand se intoarce. Faceam deja o gramada de scenarii in acest sens. Una peste alta a venit tata acasa, ne-a facut pe toti inconstienti, ca nu ne gandim ca deja mai avem un caine, si aia, si aia …..dar in cele din urma a acceptat-o. Cand a intrat in casa era un catel speriat, care simtea nevoie de afectiune, preferand o mangaiere in locul unei bucati de paine sau unui castron de mancare. Am luat-o, am spalat-o, am pamponat-o! Asa ne-am dat seama si ca era o catelusa, nu un catel, dar cu toate astea numele i-a ramas Nasture, care este de gen masculin. Desi o facuseram “fata de casa”, obiceiurile dobandite pe strada nu se oprisera, se scarpina in continuare, tata mereu cand o vedea, din cobzar nu o scotea, cand iesea afara se tavalea in praf sau alte arome lasate in urma de caii care trageau carutele romilor si multe, multe altele. Cel mai frumos era ca nu trebuia sa o scoatem noi la plimbare, cerea cand voia afara si mai venea atunci cand ii era foame sau cand voia ea. Foarte rar, cand o chemam noi. Cel mai urat era ca atunci cand ea era afara si unul dintre noi era prin zona, oricine misca in raza noastra vizuala, era in pericol. Probabil in capsorul ei dorea sa ne protejeze, noi eram salvatorii ei, ii daduseram o viata mai buna si mai linistita. Biciclisti erau un deliciu pentru ea, ii alerga si ii latra cat era strada de lunga, dupa care se intorcea multumita acasa, ca deh, era obosita, asta daca nu se ducea prin vecini sa manance si pe la ei, ca mancarea nu e niciodata in plus. Doar era o sportiva si avea nevoie de calorii ca sa aiba ce arde. Uneori cand mergeam in vizita la parinti, o luam cu lesa…. era foarte mandra de ea, mergea tantos ca un curcan. Aveam momente cand o “uram”, mai exact cand gaseam bucati din usa de la intrare imprastiate pe tot holul, peretii rosi, ca deh, avea nevoie de calciu, cablul de la calculator ros un pic, asa de control, sau vreun ziar “in care probabil nu-i placusera stirile” maruntit si imprastiat prin toata casa. Cu toate ca era atat de nebuna, o iubeam foarte mult. Era foarte afectuoasa si jucausa, era ca si copilul meu si eu eram sufletul ei. Eram apropape peste tot impreuna. Incet, incet, au trecut anii, ea a inceput sa imbatraneasca si odata cu varsta, au inceput si problemele de sanatate. Acum o scoteam la plimbare in lesa si ne plimbam vreo 10-15 minute. In ultima perioada din viata ei ramasesem doar noi doua in apartament, iar eu in acea vreme plecam in multe delegatii si nu puteam sa o iau cu mine. Asa ca ea ramanea acasa si tata venea sa o scoata la plimbare de doua ori pe zi, sa ii dea de mancare….dar cam atat. Stiam ca se simte singura. Pana in acea zi in care m-am intors acasa si am gasit-o zacand in sufragerie. Probabil ma astepta ca sa-si ia ramas – bun de la mine, pentru ca era rau, era foarte rau. Am luat-o si am dus-o la medic, dar acesta mi-a spus, dupa un control amanuntit, ca nu mai poate decat sa o ajute sa plece. Stiti, se spune ca toti cateii merg in Rai! Probabil ca este de multa vreme acolo, alergand printre flori si fluturi. Draga mea Na (prescurtarea de la Nasture), sa te distrezi bine, ai stiut intotdeauna sa te bucuri de viata!

                                - ENGLISH VERSION -

Many years ago, when I was younger, I became the happy owner of another lovely puppy, her name was Button. My mother found her on the street, or rather she found my mother. She was a puppy dog breed "stray dog", white with black spots, but what was funny about her was the black spot on her head. She was marked, what can I say! Thanks to that small black spot she has on the head, we named her Button. But let's start with the beginning. It was a hot day in June when my mother, coming home, saw this dog. At that time my mother didn't know she was a girl and when she saw the spot on the head asked her "what are you doing Little Button?" The question was enough for the dog, and from that moment, she never left my mother and followed her home. Seeing how small and scrawny the dog was, what my mother thought, let's take her a little in the house to give her something to eat and some water. So this was enough... the first thing she did when entering our house was to jump on the sofa and from that moment never came out of our apartment, although we had another dog at that time. My father wasn't home, luckily for us, he was in a travel abroad. If I, along with my brother and my mother, decided to keep the puppy, we already were thinking how to persuade my dad when he returns. Already doing a lot of scenarios in this regard. In the end, my father returned home and saying that we all are not aware, we do not think that we already have a dog, and bla, bla, bla… but eventually he accepted her. When she entered the house, she was a scared puppy, who need affection, preferring a caress instead a piece of bread or a bowl of food. We took her, washed her and put her "bows", but we finally realized he was a she, but yet the name remained Buttons, which is masculine. Although we made her a "home girl", the habits acquired in the street never stopped, she was scratching, my dad always called her "kobsa player", when she was going out, she was wallowing in the dust or other “flavours” left behind by horses from the gypsy carts and many other wild things. The most beautiful was that we didn't had to take her on the walk, she was asking out whenever she needed and come back only when she was hungry or she wanted. Very rarely, when we wanted! The worst was when she was out and one of us was around, because everything that moved in our visual range, was in danger. Probably in her little head she wanted to protect us, we were the saviors, we gave her a better and peaceful life. Cyclists were a delight for her as she was running and barking at them along the entire street and after returning home happy, as she was tired! That if she not passing by before, to eat something at our neighbors, because food was never enough. She was sportive and needed calories to have what to burn! Sometimes when we went to visit to my parents, I was taking her in the leash... and she was very proud of herself, strutted like a turkey. I had times when I "hated her", to be more exact, when I found pieces of the front door scattered throughout the hall, the walls gnawed, as she needed calcium, cable from the computer chewed a bit, as control, or a newspaper "where probably the news were not on her taste" chopped and scattered throughout the house. Although she was so crazy, I loved her very much. It was very affectionate and playful, she was like my child and I was her soul. We were almost everywhere together. Slowly the years have passed; she began to grow old and with age began her health problems. Now I took her on a walk on a leash and stay for about 10-15 minutes. In the last period of her life we were just the two of us in the apartment and I went at that time in many travels, and could not take her with me. So she stayed home alone and my dad came by every day to walk her out, twice a day, to give her food ... but that's about all. I know she was feeling lonely. Until the day when I got back home and I’ve found her lying down in the living room, unable to move. She was probably expecting me to say good bye!, because she was sick, very sick. I’ve took her and transported her to the veterinarian, but the doctor decided, after a careful check, that the only thing he could do is to put her to sleep and help her to go peacefully. You know what they say, that all the dogs go to heaven! Probably she is right there from a very long time, running among the flowers and butterflies. My dear Na (the short for Button), have fun, you always knew how to enjoy life!


  1. Very nice story , tragedy one but means a lot

  2. Thank you, Nido! You know better how important was for me this dog.

  3. What a cute dog, such a nice story too!


    1. Thank you! Follow us and you will read some more stories about animals!

  4. Dogs are so precious! Its important to know that animals understand emotions.

    1. Yes, indeed, you're so right about this!

  5. Dog lover here. I love this post, such a nice, heartwarming story.

    1. Yes, thank you and follow us for more stories!

  6. I loved your story:) ... pets are precious.. They're faithful, Loving and cute.. All we need is to care for them a lot... :)

    1. Yes, you're right, pets are part of our families and real friends!

  7. ☺loved it, being a massive dog lover this was heartwarming. She'd definitely be up there playing with the butterflies

    1. Thank you for understanding! We will return with more stories about dogs!

  8. What a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing

    1. Thank you for reading and for your appreciation!





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